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Showing posts from February, 2015

Symbols and my healing journey

Today I want to talk about different symbols I use on my healing journey. My Fearlessness necklace - it reminds me that I am fearless and can do anything. I never take it off. I honestly feel naked without it. I need the constant reminder to be brave and keep fighting. My Ring that says "if God brought me to it, he will bring me through it" to remind me that with God, I can do anything. And my key that I turned into a necklace. It's the "key" into my safe place. And I know if I ever need an escape that I have my key and I can go there any time I need too. Those are my main symbols and physical reminders I have right now. But, as I continue to grow and heal on this journey, I am sure I will be adding more! So those are some of the things that help me get through the bad times! Fearlessly and Joyfully, Katie

Taking back my life one lil step at a time

Happy Monday, you fearless readers! I had fallen into a deep depression, but I have clawed my way out and I'm ready to continue taking back my life one little step at a time! I'm choosing self care over self medication. And I'm focusing on my present and so positive relationship instead of the past. My abuser got my past but he does not get my present or future! I'm focusing more on all the positives and blessings in my life. I'm being fearless and choosing Joy! How about you? Are you with me?! Yes! Yes! The darkness doesn't last forever. I'm proof of it! Fearlessly and Joyfully, KatieπŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

Long time no talk!

Hi there! It's Katie. Britt and I decided to make the blog public again. We are going to try to post more and we are planning on doing some stuff for April... Like Katie's 27th birthday, the 6 year anniversary of Katie's assault, Sexual Abuse Awareness Month and the 1 year that Britt and I have been friends. Thanks for sticking with us. We really love and appreciate your love and support. Katie