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Showing posts from October, 2015

I'll Be - Reba McEntire Lyrics

A video and lyrics for all you lovely souls! I hope it touches your hearts just like it does for me. You are never alone, remember that. I will wrap you around my arms, and remind you that's it's all going to be alright. Without further ado, the lyrics for I'll Be By Reba McEntire. When darkness falls upon your heart and soul I'll be the light that shines for you When you forget, how beautiful you are I'll be there to remind you When you can't find your way I'll find my way to you When troubles come around I will come to you I'll be your shoulder When you need someone to lean on Be your shelter When you need someone to see you through I'll be there to carry you, I'll be there I'll be the rock that will be strong for you The one that will hold on to you When you feel that rain fallin' down When there's nobody else around I'll be And when you're there, with no one there to hold I'll be the a...

Peace and Joy Found in Many Places

I know I already wrote a blog today. But, I had to write another one. I talked earlier about there being so many small joys that add up to the big things. Well, right now these are some of mine. My beautiful lamp from my dear Grandma's house. My beautiful candles. They look and smell so wonderful. My flowing water fountain. Yes, it looks beautiful. But, it sounds even better. Some of my art therapy that I love to do. My warm and soft kitty blanket. See what I mean? This is just a small list out of things that bring me joy. Truly the small things are the big things. I just can't help but smile. How about you? What small things add up to the big things for you?

Happiness Is a Journey Not a Destination

My fingers and mind have been itching to blog again for the past few days now. Nothing has come to my mind. So today, I googled inspirational quotes and I found this one and thought "Yes, I can work with this." Happiness (and recovery) is a journey, not a destination. I'm not looking for a certain destination. I'm just trying to be a better Katie than I was yesterday. I say "Go forth and be the best YOU, that you can be." Choosing happiness isn't always easy. It's so easy to get sucked into the negatives and complain about everything that has gone wrong, and will ever go wrong. It's so much harder to choose to see the positive in everything and to shoot for the stars, and to realize and praise all the good things there are in life. And trust me, there are a lot of small blessings and when we had them all up, we realize the small things are really the big things.  I'm not where I want to be yet, but I'm so glad I'm not...

Healing Comes In Waves

"Healing comes in waves  And maybe today  The wave hits the rocks But, that's ok That's ok, darling  You are still healing You are still healing." -Ljeoma Umebinyuohea I saw this on my Facebook feed and thought it would make a great blog post. Healing truly does come in many different waves. Even when we are being washed up on the rocks, healing can take place. Most times we don't notice that healing experience until after the rocky part and we look back and say "I see it now" If you look at the beach, you see what the waves and water do to rocks and things it washes up. Waves change us, as well, and if you look closely you will find the treasures life makes even in the "rocky" times.

My Happily Ever After Beginning

Almost 3 months ago I said "I do" to my best friend and started the beginning of my happily ever after. We just got the pictures back that my wonderful sister and brother-in-law took for us (THANK YOU!) and I thought I would share them today on my blog. Jeff and I met about 7 years ago. We had a very rocky start but God had plans for us from the very beginning. And He has truly blessed us. We had planned to get married on May 6 of this year but because of my mental illness I have to be on medications and therapy to help me be the thriving woman I am today... and unfortunately I would lose my insurance if we were legally married. Jeff and I were crushed. We felt like the world had been pulled out from under us. But, after talking with our families, we decide to go with a Commitment Ceremony and be married in the eyes of God. So, we are not legally married but in the eyes of God and our family and friends, we are. I'm so glad that God has richly blessed us. Enjoy th...

New blog template - Let's do a happy dance!

So, I've been wanting to change up this blog for a long, long  time, and finally tonight I actually did it! I was playing around with different ideas and I really liked this one, so I hope my readers (yes, I hope you are out there) like it as well. Now for the rest of the evening, I plan to watch some netflix, light my candles and do some art therapy. I will become a beautiful butterfly, I will sprout my wings and fly. When I put my mind to something, I get it done!  Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you stick around!  Hugs, K-Butterfly 

Burned Out So It's Time For a Time Out

I'm finding myself stressed more than usual and that usually means I need a social media break. So, I'm taking a time out, with the exception of Facebook, Instagram and this blog. It's time for me to put all my focus on my healing, recovery, the people sitting in from of me, and my jobs.  I hope to start making improvements in my mood and attitude instead of backwards! So, here's to a better present and future! Hugs, K-Butterfly

Attitude's Are Contagious, Is Yours Worth Catching?

I recently came a crossed this quote and thought, HEY! That will make a great blog post. So, here we are. I usually try to have the best attitude possible. Be upbeat, uplifting, encouraging, inspiring, caring, loving, all those things. I've noticed lately though that my attitude seems to suck. I complain way more than I should. But, mostly my attitude towards myself is not good. So, starting right now I am aware of it and am working on a much better attitude towards myself as well as others. I want to continue to be the upbeat, uplifting, encouraging and inspiring person I know I can be. I want people to look at me and say "Wow. I love her energy. I love her attitude towards life. I love how she treats people." I want to start epidemics of happy, uplifting, wonderful people. How about you? Is your attitude worth catching? I'm still on my way to becoming Katie Butterfly! Love, hugs and all the positive energy to you!! Katie

Becoming Katie Butterfly

NEW BLOG TITLE as I feel it's most appropriate right now. I've gone through many things in life and I am finally on my journey to becoming a beautiful butterfly... Katie Butterfly. A change, a growth, a new healing in in the air and I'm welcoming it all. I'm going to sprout my beautiful wings! YES!

There Is A Time For Everything

I recently wrote down these verses from the Bible as they really spoke to me. And I have written down the things that it is TIME for in my life. It's my time for LIFE. My time to be REBORN.  My time to HEAL. My time to BUILD on my life. My time to LAUGH. My time to DANCE. My time to THROW OUT the old. My time to HUG and embrace life and all the special people I know. My time to STOP LOOKING for answers and every thing I keep looking back to and let God lead. My time to SPEAK and not be silent. My time to LOVE and throw away hate. My time for PEACE. Katie Butterfly