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Showing posts from April, 2014

Nicole's Story.

My friend's story was published. Check the link below to read.

Speak Out!

Here's a video my friend Stephanie put together. Please check it out!!! - Katie

Special blog post for the end of SAAM.

With the end of sexual assault awareness month being today, we wanted to do something special. These are words, from others survivors or just people who care, FOR YOU!  -Katie and Britt. "It is not your fault and you are not alone. Keeping silent won't make it go away. You are so much stronger than you think. You survived your ordeal and you WILL make it through recovery. Just remember that there are people who are and want to help, part of the journey is helping to lift each other up, to help each other find our voice so we can finally face the world around us and say "no more"."          -NightxVision on tumblr  "You are worth the fight to overcome this. Healing is possible, as is leading a life of possibility, hope, and joy. Although it may not seem like it now, it's going to get better. You're going to get stronger, and you'll bloom into a glorious flower. In the words of Maya Angelou, like dust, YOU will rise."        -Nicole "...

Last Day of SAAM.

Today is the last day of Sexual Abuse Awareness Month. If you haven't been affected by sexual abuse, I really hope this horrible crime has been brought to your attention & you do something to help end it. If you've been abused, I hope you've learned a lot this month about sexual abuse, I hope you've spoke out & let your story be heard & most importantly, I hope you found a way of healing. I have struggled this month & hit my breaking point, but I've reached out & asked for help. I'm in the process of healing & I'm getting better. I will NOT let my abuser win or control me. I'm not his victim. I AM A SURVIVOR! Together we CAN end Sexual Abuse. Say NO MORE!!! ~Britt!


Im definitely saying NO! To the new SVU. I'm working during it. But, I will not be watching the new episode. At least not for awhile. Just thinking about it, is upsetting me bad! I have to take care of me! Take gentle care, my friends! Katie


Dear John.

I used to put Taylor Swift's "Dear John" on repeat. Just to feel emotion, to be able to feel, express myself through her words. "Dear John, it see it all now that you're gone. Don't you think 19's too young...." On this trip, I was listening to Taylor, and I purposely skipped over it. I think I realized that I don't need her to express it for me anymore. I'm coming out and expressing it myself. I'm not ashamed of who knows. And, I feel my not wanting people to see me differently or call me mentally ill, was holding me back from really letting go. The truth is... Who cares if some people see me differently or make fun of my mental illness. Chances are they already saw me that way before they knew about it. And the people who matter, will still see me the way they do now.... Kind, caring, hard working, a survivor, etc. And that my friend, is all that matters. I am no longer ashamed. He should be ashamed, not me. Take gentle ca...

Wise Words






I'm A Survivor.


SVU and my recovery.

SVU in it's own way, helped me begin my recovery, but now it's starting to upset it. Mainly, the Benson saga. It's been so hard seeing her go through everything and just been triggering. I'm not sure if I am going to watch the next few. I'm just not sure if it's healthy for me. It's not life or death and I can always catch up later. I do have a good friend who could tell me if I would upset me too much.... So, right now I an debating this break or not.  Guess we will see! Stay strong! Katie


I decided that I would share my story! Mariska Hargitay and the show Law and Order: SVU have helped me so much  Open Letter to my attacker. My hopes in writing this letter is to let go of the pain, get my feelings out and burn it. Saying NO MORE to letting him have any power over me. What you did to me was WRONG WRONG WRONG! I was very, very sick. You KNEW that, yet you chose to take advantage of me anyway. You told me so many lies and I believed you. I really thought you were going to leave your wife to take care of me. I spent years hating myself for committing adultery. But, I know now that it was my illness and YOUR SICK NEED to use me to get what YOU wanted. I was a virgin, very naïve and did I mention SICK? But, you knew ALL of that! You DID every thing you could to get rid of Jeff, using ME to do it. You told me ANYTHING you thought would make me want you. You told me you could teach me about sex, how it was done right. You never asked if I wanted to, and me being sick and y...