When I first made this art therapy piece back in February or March, I truly believed that 2015 was finally my year, but this tragedy and sorrow struck. I found out Jeff and I would not be able to legally marry as we had planned (May 6), and then my grandma died unexpectedly in April and I just felt like this was the worst year of my life. But, then I was offered a new position at work (which I absolutely love) and Jeff and I were married in the eyes of God in front of our family and friends on July 25. My year totally did a 180 and I truly believe that yes, indeed, even after everything that went wrong, that this is my year. I think sometimes bad things happen, so we can truly appreciate the good and not take everything for granted. Everything happens for a reason, in it's own time and way, and I am so incredibly blessed.
2015 is my year!
Katie Bug
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