Well, guys, it's that time. Time to say goodbye to the past and welcome the future with open arms. I thought it would be good for me to do a year in review blogs with pictures.
Bunny is one of the biggest highlights of my life. Isn't he just a cutie pie?
My friend Dori and I after a make over. It was a blast!
Valentine's Day. Jeff left me some flowers that Bunny destroyed shortly after. I loved them while I had them!!
Our tuxedo babies that we love to the moon and back!
Holding my precious. I mean... What is life?
Moving to our new apartment.
Headed to North Dakota for my grandma's funeral.Reunited with my cousin Zoey!
Just said my final goodbye to my grandma.
Jeff and I celebrating the night were were originally supposed to be married.
Burning Jeff's cookies! Ha.
Found a home for my salt and pepper shakers from my grandma's house.
Another selfie
Jeff got me flowers when my new job at the library became official!
Our niece Jordyn's graduation party. We are so proud of you!
Wedding flowers. Pink roses to remember my Grandma Shirley.
July 25th, Jeff and I said I do!
Jocelyn and I braving cold Lake Superior
Our first official Christmas!
It was a pretty crazy, hard, but wonderful year. I can't wait to see what 2016 brings and what wonderful new memories I'll make!
See you all next year!
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