So, as I briefly mentioned in a post yesterday, I had an unexpected Pap smear appointment come up. I started to get REALLY anxious as I waited for the appointment.
I have a hard time being touched down there by my fiancé. Let alone some stranger I never met.
She was very professional, definitely. But, it was very awkward. I mean it's awkward for non survivors. I didn't really have flashbacks, but it triggered intense anxiety. I'm okay today, still... I don't even know the word.
Since I obviously am going to have to have them done again for health reasons, I need to find away to approach this.
I wonder if it will go better if the doctor knows I was abused, if it would make a difference.
I hate these feeling. Will it ever go away?
Ask your talk therapist about telling your doctor. I think it could only help the situation. Hang in there dear! love you! MA