"You don't have to worry, and don't you be afraid. Joy comes in the morning, troubles, they don't last always. For there's a friend in Jesus who will wipe your tears away and if your heart is broken just lift your hands and say.... Oh I know that I can make it. I know that I can stand. No matter what may come my way, my life is in your hands. With Jesus I can take it, with Him I know I can stand, no matter what may come my way, my life is in Your Hands."
This song is near and dear to my heart right now. The lyrics form in my head when I'm having a particularly bad day or when I realize my blessings.
This year has been really hard on me. With finding out I wasn't going to be able to get married, to losing my grandma unexpectedly. One thing or another being taken from me unfairly. The way things I have been going, I didn't think anything was going right.
Then a position at work opened up. One I've been doing weekly training for, something I've loved doing. Something my grandma believed in me for last year when I applied and didn't get it. When this oppportunity opened up, I knew I had to go for it. I decided to take a leap of faith and trust that God will provide. That I will be able to work more hours and still keep my medical insurance that I absolutely have to have to succeed. Anyway, I applied for the job and I got it. I'm still not 100% sure how the insurance is going to work but have 100% faith is God to continue to work!
I'm so blessed and happy right now.
And last night, I came home to flowers from Jeff. He's a keeper. :)
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