Today this song plays in my head.
"What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear. What a privilege to carry, everything to God in prayer."
I have begun praying for ****. I have a journal app I am "writing" them in. To me it feels more real writing it than thinking it in my head. I've always been that way. & I remember my teacher telling me that there is no "right" way to pray.
I am truly trying to put my faith in God.
A lot of songs are in my head right now.
"This is how it feels to be free. This is what it means to know that I am forgiven."
I know God forgives me for all my wrong doings and I need to do the same for others.
"What sins are you talking about? I don't remember them anymore. From the book of life they've all been torn out. I don't remember them anymore."
"You don't have to worry, and don't you be afraid, joy comes in the morning, troubles they don't last always. For there's a friend in Jesus who will wipe your tears away and if you're heart is dreary just lift your hands and say. Oh, I know that I can make it, I know that I can stand. No matter what may come my way, my life is in Your Hands."
And this is where I'm leaving off in today's post.
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